Radio Headspace

Recommended Episodes

Judging Our Thoughts, with Sam

Sam gives excellent advice on emotional management. By naming our emotions, we acknowledge them, making them easier to process. "Name it to tame it!". She also highlights our capacity to simultaneously feel multiple and sometimes contradictory feelings, giving further advice on shifting from judging our emotions towards acceptance by questioning our negative thought patterns.

~ Linda

Finding Acceptance, with Kessonga

In this episode, Kessonga shares a personal story about a mindful moment of finding acceptance when facing uncontrollable disappointment. We often do not like acceptance, thinking that it equals liking the current situation. But that is not what acceptance is; it is simply observing what is present for what it is. Releasing our thoughts about what we wanted the situation to have been. This makes us better equipt to respond to what this moment requires of us. I.e., we do not have to like disappointments, but we can find more helpful ways to relate to them.

~ Linda

Working with the Mind, by Dora

In this episode, Dora explores how thinking outside the present moment may decrease our sense of happiness and the different ways we can work with our minds. How noting or thought patterns can help us in our mental health journey. She shares some thinking tools for how to deal with overwhelming thoughts that are very helpful.

~ Linda

Life is Practice, Practice is Life, with Eve

In this episode, Eve reflects on how mindfulness and meditation are not just a practice we do for a few moments each day. Instead, it is a way of life and can be part of all our daily moments - cultivating our skills in observation, openness, and patience.

~ Linda

Coping with Rejection, by Roise

In this episode, Rosie brings up how we can tackle rejection and disappointment - how to tap into resilience. She shares a personal story about being rejected by a publisher. What thoughts come up, what emotional responses come up, and how these challenges can be overcome when we are on our journey toward our dreams and goals. For this situation, she applied the tool of the S.T.O.P. acronym: S - Stop, or pause. T - Take a breath. O - Observe. P - Proceed.

~ Linda